Review: Men On Boats at the historic Valhalla Boathouse Theatre is a must see!

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - A perfect venue for a fantastic play! Men On Boats at the historic Valhalla Boathouse Theatre is based on the actual river expedition through the Grand Canyon by John Wesley Powell in 1869. The 10 male roles are played by 10 female actors, you will recognize many of our talented local yokel thespians. Histrionics ensue from the first moment the performance begins. To quote one of my fellow theatergoers last night, "The acting was enthusiastic, entertaining, and superb!"

Opening night was packed last Thursday, my other friend who attended had these words to share, "The play is quite funny and different. Karen Fink and Stephanie Grigsby stole the show. And Sharon Kerrigan's singing was hauntingly beautiful." I must add, every actor's role was memorable; I'm always amazed at the fast-paced dialog that they must memorize. Consummate professionals for sure!

The set design and props are very clever; the stage is totally dynamic with a lot of physical movements that truly help tell the tale of the struggles of our pioneering folk. There is salty language, appropriately used, so this play is not for young children. It is quite long with two intermissions, but the adventure story is exciting and compelling, I was on the edge of my seat at the end.

Oh and get this! I met Director Meg Peart at the end of the performance outside the theatre, she shared this with me: "Leona Allen, retired from Lake Valley Fire Protection District, her Great Grandfather was Frank Goodman, one of the ten men on the expedition. The role is being played by Pamela Taylor. Her family including cousins and other descendants of Frank Goodman will be joining us for our production on the 13th." How cool is that?

I will end this review with the words of my artist friend sitting next to me: "It was a remarkable, beautiful performance that brought the historical Powell Expedition to life in a light-hearted and personal way."


There are still a few more days to catch Men on Boats at the Boathouse Theatre: Sunday, July 9, then Thursday, July 13 - Saturday, July 15. For tickets, visit HERE.

Theatrically submitted by
Michelle Gomez
Tahoe Art League