7-11 beer robber found guilty by South Lake Tahoe jury
Submitted by paula on Tue, 07/10/2018 - 7:03am
The man responsible for stealing beer from a South Lake Tahoe 7-11 was found guilty of Second Degree Robbery by a jury on July 3.
On March 11, 2018, Craig Joseph Cumbra, 21, went into the 7-11 store on Pioneer Trail and ran out with the beer without paying. He jumped into the passenger side of a waiting car and attempted to leave. The store cashier ran out and stood in front of the car. When the car moved forward the cashier was forced to jump on to the hood to avoid being struck.
The Sacramento man was later identified and found at a local motel. He was originally charged with robbery, conspiracy to commit a crime and DUI.
During the trial, the cashier testified that Cumbra instructed the driver to “drive”.
Sentencing is set for July 30, 2018. The case was prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Casey Mandrell.
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