Lake Tahoe Chamber Wayfinding Project has come to Fruition

The results are finally in the ground for the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce Wayfinding project; a concept that was launched to produce aesthetically pleasing signs that were in alignment with our Alpine environment. This project was initiated a number of years ago with funding provided by the City of South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado County in response to researching the needs of our visitors, and hearing responses like; “Where is the boat launch”, “How do I get to the beach”, and “Where are your parks?” We believe that visitors and residents will appreciate the new signs as a way of more quickly identifying locations and destinations throughout the community.

Because the primary sign locations were on State Highway 50, Caltrans approval was required. The only glitch being that Caltrans did not have a provision by which to approve Wayfinding signage. Over the course of two years and numerous meetings and various design proposals, Caltrans eventually created a new Wayfinding sign policy grounded in the negotiations of our meetings. The 24 new signs you see around town guide our residents and visitors to beaches, boat launches, recreation, parks, and information, but the signs appear to look much like any other Highway signs as opposed to our original vision.

TahoeChamber would like to thank both the County and City for this opportunity to be of service to our community, and would like to especially thank Nancy Kerry, Interim City Manager and Jim Marino, CIP Project Manager for their assistance. Additional kudos are sent out to the following local businesses who patiently worked on this project: Alpine Metals, Angie's Signs, C.B. Ebright Company, Inc., Design Workshop, community members who participated on the Steering Committee and at workshops as well as the team at Caltrans for sticking with us through this arduous process!