Volunteer opportunities to water sugar pine seedlings at Lake Tahoe

Join the Sugar Pine Foundation for the rest of summer as they continue watering the little seedlings alive at different locations around Lake Tahoe. Once a volunteer attends three waterings they receive a sugar pine hat!

The heat of July and August are very important times to water to ensure the seedlings can live.

Please check their calendar for exact details and more dates. The Sugar Pine Foundation will soon start scheduling their Caldor fire plantings.

Evening waterings:

Tuesday, July 26
Tree Watering @ Zephyr Cove

Thursday, July 28
Tree Watering @ Carnelian Bay

Tuesday, August 4
Tree Watering @ Incline Village

Tuesday, August 9
Tree Watering @ Van Sickle Bi-State Park

The foundation is dedicated to saving Tahoe's sugar pines. For more information, visit https://sugarpinefoundation.org/.