Tahoe History Talks on the Beach - Toogee Sielsch and history of the black bear in Tahoe
Submitted by paula on Fri, 07/22/2022 - 7:13pm
Event Date:
July 26, 2022 - 7:00pm
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Lake Tahoe Historical Society is hosting another "Tahoe History Talks on the Beach" on Tuesday, July 26. South Lake Tahoe urbanized bear expert Toogee Sielsch will share the history of the black bears on the South Shore.
The free beach talk is from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the beach side of Lakeview Commons, the corner of Lakeview Avenue and Lake Tahoe Blvd.
When the July issue of National Geographic came out, an article about wildlife adapting to urbanized settings featured Toogee Sielsch of South Lake Tahoe. He found the bears in the city limits, helping the story's photographer get fabulous photos. Toogee has become the "go-to" guy in town when law enforcement, Fish and Wildlife, or other agencies need help "evicting" bears from the homes in crawl spaces, or assist with moving them into spaces where we want them to be - away from roads and people.
Come by the beach talk to hear more. There will be the opportunity to ask questions too.