Candidate Keith Roberts shares his platform and why he is running for South Lake Tahoe City Council

Keith's statement of candidacy and platform in his quest for a seat on the South Lake Tahoe City Council.

Who Is Keith Roberts?

I'm a citizen who wants to help our city solve its challenges as a levelheaded public servant, with an emphasis on the servant and not the ruler.

I'm a citizen who wants to re-unite our City and our City Council.

I believe the responsibility of a Council Member is to do what the Citizens tell him to do, to be a Public Servant, using skills and collaboration to achieve the goals the Citizens feel are most important!

I will listen to you. What I hear most from the people I talk to is how tired and upset they are at how our city is being divided! So pulling us back together belongs on my platform for sure.

I am against the Vacancy Tax and believe it is poorly written and bad public policy. I am equally concerned about how it is dividing us, rich against poor, young against old, full-time residents versus vacation homeowners. It is actually nonsense when common sense is what is needed.

But there are hundreds of other issues and votes that need to be decided upon. Our City Council is a Non-Partisan Council, yet it has been divided by personal agenda driven actions and behavior, eliminating the opportunity for collaboration to actually get things done without nasty labels that State and National Politics cause. Our Council needs to seek solutions that work for everyone, not just one side or the other and not for any “Agenda”.

That being said, I am by nature and with life experiences, a fiscal conservative. I understand that you work hard for your money and the city should spend it wisely and frugally and live within its means just like we all have to do.

As the executive chef in large hotels, I have worked with tough budgets, harsh rapidly changing fiscal dynamics, the changing labor force through the generations, and how to treat people with respect and have them realize the rewards of their labors.

I have sat in union negotiations in heated conversations sticking to the facts and keeping the negotiations on topic, striving for mutual goals.

As a chef in the kitchen, I have spent 40 years side by side with blue-collar workers, sharing their pride and their challenges. I have owned two award-winning restaurants, 1 on each US Coast; I know the challenges that only small business owner knows, in their heart and in their callused hands.

Currently, I am COO for Tahoe Investment Capital and Stewardship; a management company providing support, guidance, encouragement, service, and extra hands to a small group of boutique restaurants in The Heavenly Village.

I have my finger on the pulse of not only the small business needs but also the struggles our employees are facing.

We are a Tourist Town, we need them. We have small family businesses that survive off these tourists but we need to help our staff survive in town so we can run our businesses. However, both tourists and locals alike need to treasure our home and keep it beautiful.


It's about you and your family being able to feel safe from crime and fire and to drive on well-paved roads that are plowed well during the winter.

The issues I feel are important; starting with the top 4 priorities for our city from a recent poll are:

Fire Protection and threat of wildfires.
Our SLTFD has a Voter Approval rating in the 90s; I plan on giving Chief Brennen the support he needs to maintain that; along with developing a comprehensive evacuation plan (3-4 lanes of HWY 50 leaving town); in town routes defined and effective communication to the Citizens of what is in place, so everyone knows their role and we can avoid the chaos we saw during the Caldor fire.

Snow removal
The City has recently purchased several new Plows and Blowers with staffing remaining the main problem, I will look closely at incentivizing people to fill these positions, maybe partner with Vail and an EPIC pass is part of the salaries offered.

Road Repairs
Yes, more money for potholes, the city has actually spent more in the last few years than the 20 years previously, but we need to do better; better asphalt, better identifying the trouble spots, improve the bike lanes in some areas as wider and more sweeping and cleaning of the lanes and sides of the road.

Public Safety
I’m currently one of our Police Advisory Commissioners. Police Chief Stevenson has worked closely with the Commission creating great task forces and achieving impressive results, I will make sure he has what he needs to keep our city safe.

As a former city Planning Commissioner, My long-term vision for the City is completion of the Tahoe Valley Green Belt Plan and The Mid-Town Plan, creating more and more connected bikeways, expanding commerce towards the “Y” so it spreads the tourists out across town, more people working closer to home; better safer bike paths with routes connecting Meyers to Fallen leaf and The Airport to Stateline, encouraging less people to drive; a free transit system that loops all the hot spots across town on a consistent schedule so workers and tourists alike can make plans using alternate transportation instead of adding to traffic.

I will also work on how the City connects with its Citizens, I have been surprised how little most people know about the work our City Does, maybe a Jumbo Tron on HWY 50 celebrating the events and projects! The idea being to reach people with the resources available and to nurture a relationship where Citizens understand the challenges and engage with our City Council more to be more involved to help find solutions and be affected by less frustration. I will follow in the efforts of Councilwoman Tamara Wallace in taking the steps to reach out to our citizens and making myself available for their opinions and advice on how we can grow and be strong.

Solutions must work for all!

- Keith Roberts for City Council
Common Sense Over Nonsense

What are your thoughts?
(310) 728-5839