South Christmas Valley Firewise Workday

Event Date: 
September 29, 2024 - 1:00pm

Dear South Christmas Valley, There is a Firewise Community Workday scheduled for September 29, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 3313 W River Park, South Lake Tahoe.

This is the day organizers will record all the hours neighbors have worked in their yards preparing for the defense of a wildfire.

Lake Valley Fire will come and pick up for free a 6ft X 6ft pile of debris you may order online at: www.

If you raked leaves, removed pine needles from the roof, cut or trimmed trees, or worked on your home doing fire-resistant work please either attend or send your hours, number and size of bags filled, and money spent, by email to We all deserve to be a Certified Firewise Community.

Thank You for being responsible!

Citizens so we can enjoy and sustain the beauty of Lake Tahoe for future generations.


Veronica Bruce, So. Christmas Valley