Daily kayak trips on the lake in support of Citizen Science Tahoe project

Join Scott Fitzgerrell and UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center director Geoff Schladow as they kayak Lake Tahoe in support of the Citizen Science Tahoe project September 20-26, 2020. Using the app they will collect valuable water quality, algal growth, and microplastics data.

All participants are responsible for bringing their own watercraft, personal protective equipment (flotation device while on the water and a mask while on land), food, beverages, and planning their own transportation to/from the departure and arrival sites.

Please download the Citizen Science Tahoe App from www.CitizenScienceTahoe.org prior to joining if you would like to contribute some valuable data over the course of your paddle.

Proposed Itinerary:

Dates: September 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26

We will meet at 7:30 a.m. each morning and depart by 8:00 a.m. Kayak trips each morning according to schedule, weather, and air quality.

September 20, Day 1
Departure: Sand Harbor State Park WP 138 to Carnelian Bay WP 104
Distance: 7 miles

September 21, Day 2
Route: Carnelian Bay WP 104 to William Kent Beach Access WP 80
Distance: 6.5 miles

September 22, Day 3
Route: William Kent Beach WP 80 to Chambers Beach WP 64
Distance: 6.5 miles

September 23, Day 4
Route: Chambers Beach WP 64 to Bliss State Park WP 57
Distance: 6 miles

September 24, Day 5
Route: Bliss State Park WP 57 to Pope Beach WP 37
Distance: 6 miles

September 25, Day 6
Route: Pope Beach WP 37 to Cave Rock WP 1
Distance: 8 miles

September 26, Day 7
Route: Cave Rock WP 1 to Sand Harbor WP 138
Distance: 10 miles

Maps: It is recommended that each group should purchase or download the Lake Tahoe Water Trail map (https://laketahoewatertrail.org/lake-tahoe-water-trail-map-guide/). Waypoints (WP) in the schedule below refer to this map.

Clean, Drain, & Dry Watercraft Only: Visit https://tahoeboatinspections.com/tahoe-keepers/ for Tahoe’s self-inspection training for canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, and other non-motorized watercraft.

To join please contact Heather Segale at hmsegale@ucdavis.edu or Toni Myshyakova at amyshyakova@ucdavis.edu.