Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church launches "The Story: Finding Your Story in God's Story"

Event Date: 
October 1, 2023 - 10:00am

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church is thrilled to announce the launch of an inspiring and transformative program, "The Story: Finding Your Story in God's Story." This initiative aims to bring the community together in a journey of spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and connection through the power of storytelling and faith.

"The Story" is a dynamic and engaging experience that will take participants on a unique adventure through the Bible. It is designed to help individuals of all ages and backgrounds discover their own place within the grand narrative of God's love, grace, and redemption. By exploring key biblical events, characters, and teachings, attendees will find relevance and meaning in their own lives while deepening their relationship with God.

Highlights of "The Story" program include:

Weekly Gatherings: Participants will come together regularly to discuss, reflect, and share their insights, fostering a sense of community and support.

Interactive Learning: Engaging multimedia resources, including videos, group discussions, and study materials, will make learning both enjoyable and enlightening.

Personal Reflection: "The Story" encourages personal reflection, inviting individuals to connect their life experiences with the timeless truths found in Scripture.

Family-Friendly: This program is suitable for all generations, making it a fantastic opportunity for families to grow in faith together.

Open to All: Open to all. "The Story" welcomes everyone seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey.

The launch event for "The Story: Finding Your Story in God's Story" will take place on October 1, at Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church (2733 Lake Tahoe Blvd.) at their 10 a.m. worship service. The Rev. Dr. Greg Hughes, Pastor of Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church, expresses his enthusiasm for this new initiative: "We are excited to embark on this journey together, as we explore the Bible's timeless wisdom and its relevance to our lives today. 'The Story' promises to be a meaningful and transformational experience for all who participate."

For more information about "The Story: Finding Your Story in God's Story" and details about the launch event, please contact: Tamara Wallace, Church Administrator,