Public invited to help with sign content for the McKinney Rubicon kiosk

Event Date: 
September 22, 2016 - 1:00pm

Join other Off-Highway Vehicle enthusiasts and fans to help plan the content for the McKinney Rubicon kiosk at a meeting held by the US Forest Service on Thursday, September 22 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Forest Supervisor's Office at 35 College Drive in South Lake Tahoe.

Invited partners include Lake Tahoe Hi Lo’s 4 Wheel Drive Club, North Tahoe Traildusters, Tahoe Donner 4 Wheelers, The ‘Other’ Rubicon, Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR), Rubicon Trail Foundation (RTF), California Four Wheel Drive Association (Cal4Wheel), California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA), American Motorcycle Association (AMA), Nevada Four Wheel Drive Association (N4WDA), Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), Pine Nut Mountains Trails Association (PNMTA), El Dorado and Placer counties, the Tahoe National Forest, U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement and U.S. Forest Service Fire Prevention and Patrol.

For requests for reasonable accommodation access to the facility or proceedings, contact Adrian Escobedo at (530) 543-2758 or email

For more information about the meeting, contact Mike Gabor, LTBMU forest engineer at 530-543-2642 or email