Tahoe Arts Project opens annual membership drive
Submitted by paula on Sat, 09/22/2018 - 9:44pm
- Scholarships for High School graduates pursuing performing arts
- Scholarships to Sugarloaf Fine Arts Camp
- FREE Community Performances

The Tahoe Arts Project is holding their 2018-2019 online annual Membership Drive, and the community is invited to help the keep the arts aline in South Lake Tahoe. Their performances are an important part local children's education.
During this season they will be presenting four groups to the schools and community, two residencies with the Missoula Children’s Theater, and they have expanded their programming by adding:
- Trails and Vistas: Art and Nature hike at Sand Harbor for 3rd grade students
- Scholarships for High School graduates pursuing performing arts
- Scholarships to Sugarloaf Fine Arts Camp
- FREE Community Performances
Tahoe Arts Project (TAP) provides the only exposure to live, multicultural performing arts for the majority of our community’s children. Tahoe Arts Project is a nonprofit organization and, as a donor, you play a vital role in bringing these performers into our schools and community. TAP cannot realize their goal of serving over 4,500 K-12th grade students in both California and Nevada without your support. As artist fees continue to rise, and federal and state grant money continues to decline, they depend on your individual support. Your donation will support all of TAP’s 2018-2019 programs.
The approximate cost to bring one group to the schools and community is between $15,000-$20,000. this includes artist fee for eight school assemblies and one public performance and transportation, TAP staff costs to coordinate and facilitate each week- long residency, publicity, general operating expenses and liability insurance.
Their upcoming programs - http://tahoeartsproject.org/calendar/

- act
- art
- artist
- arts
- california
- camp
- children
- community
- Community
- Donation
- education
- federal
- fine
- free
- group
- Help!
- High
- high school
- hike
- insurance
- lake
- Lake Tahoe
- local
- Middle School
- money
- nature
- Nevada
- Nonprofit
- Online
- Over 4
- performance
- performers
- performing arts
- play
- Sand Harbor
- scholarships
- school
- schools
- south lake tahoe
- state
- students
- support
- Tahoe
- tahoe arts project
- theater
- trails
- transportation
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