Five locals appointed to newly created Arts, Culture and Tourism Commission

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - During its meeting Tuesday, the South Lake Tahoe City Council appointed the first five voting members of the new Art, Culture and Tourism Commission.

The commission was established via resolution on August 20. Interested members of the community were asked to apply and seven applications were received. The City sought to have applications from youth and for a spot for a non-voting member from the South Lake Tahoe Tourism Improvement District or Lake Tahoe Lodging Association. None were received from these segments.

Appointed were:

Stacey Ballard
Eleanor BonBon Brennan
Scott Forrest
David Hamilton
Bryan Yerian

Tony Lyle of the Lake Tahoe Visitors Association was appointed to the non-voting position.

The commission will act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and will not express authority or power or act on behalf of the City. Additionally, the Commission shall review proposed policies on Tourism, Arts, and Culture programs and report findings and make recommendations to the City Council.

The Commission will also review proposed public art projects and make
recommendations for the appropriation of funds for specific projects. The Commission shall have the opportunity at each City Council meeting, under agenda item City Commission Reports, to provide a brief report on its activities and will provide a formal written report to the City Council
annually at the Council's November meeting.

The Council encouraged people who applied but weren't selected, to apply for the open positions on the Airport Commission and Recreation Commission.