Letter: No on T people are desperate

Desperation – a state of despair, typically one that results in rash or extreme behavior.

This must be the mental state of those opposed to Measure T. The fear mongering they are resorting too has reached an all-time low. They are claiming voting YES on Measure T will: Cost us hundreds of million in lost revenue, the loss of the entire VHR TOT, cancel the Recreation Center project, cause the fire department to respond less quickly, etc… These people apparently have no shame in their desperation to sway the local voters from forcing VHRs to operate in areas where they are zoned.

The facts we know: Measure T is not a ban and actually will reduce the restrictions in areas where VHRs are allowed. It is unknown how many tourists may choose to not return if their favorite VHR isn’t available but we can be sure that 100% will not suddenly vanish in the claimed VHR Rapture the Measure T detractors are claiming will happen. There could be a potential losses in City revenue but only if Measure T passes and the City makes no changes to where VHRs are allowed and makes no adjustments to their budgets, including potential new revenue from the marijuana income we soon may see. As for how much tourist revenue may be lost, that number is entirely unknown and anyone who gives you a big magic number is lying to you. $100 million dollar assumes who is spending their money based on credit card returns, assumes how many are VHR guests, assumes all of them will not return and assumes you will buy the unsupported numbers the anti-Measure T people are peddling.

We also know there are a number of big problems that have resulted from VHRs: Our housing market is inflated beyond California’s already high prices, making it harder to hire firefighters, teachers, bus drivers, etc. who cannot find a place to rent or buy at a reasonable price. Mega homes are being built as VHRs and more will likely come as VHR permits exchange hands. Our police are being asked to babysit private businesses while competing businesses (hotels and motels) have to manage themselves. Local residents are being asked to monitor and report what happens on these private businesses because no one is minding the store.

The VHR rapture is a fiction invented by the anti-measure T crowd. If the sudden disappearance of our VHR guests is a fiction than so are the numbers of claimed lost revenue. The fear filed claims of our impending doom are all based on one assumption, our guests will not return if they cannot get the same VHR they had in previous years. Hopefully the local voter is aware enough of our guests to know better than to think VHRs are the only reason one might visit Tahoe. History has shown exactly why people visit our town… Lake Tahoe is a world class destination and doesn’t rely solely on glorified motels to attract people. We need to start acting like a world class destination and manage these problems.

Please consider all of the actual facts and ignore the fear mongering and false claims. Whatever your view, please vote. I encourage you to vote YES on Measure T!

- Sincerely,
Scott Ramirez