South Lake Tahoe city council and city clerk get pay raises

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - During their Tuesday meeting, the five South Lake Tahoe city council members approved an ordinance to increase their pay from $1,147.27 per month to $1,264.86. Every calendar year they are eligible for an increase in compensation of up to five percent.

The increase goes into effect on January 23, 2023.

The council members also approved a move for City Clerk Susan Blankenship from Step 3 in the City's salary schedule to Step 4.

She last received a raise during the council's March 2, 2021 meeting.

City Code states: Salaries and benefits of all other elected and appointed officers [besides the City Council] shall be as set forth by separate resolution of the city council.”

Step 4 of the salary table moves her pay to $9,156, retroactively to one year after the last raise, or the first full pay period after March 2, 2022.
Since becoming city clerk, Blankenship has completed the following:

February 24, 2021 earned admission into to the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Master Municipal Clerks (MMC) Program

November 27, 2021 earned Notary Public Commission from the California Secretary of State

Between March 2021-March 2022 earned certificates of completion for eleven educational courses (90 hours) toward MMC Designation

Participated in RFP process and selection of Broadcasting, Media, and Video Production Services (SoSu TV)

Began publication of all City Commission Agendas through Granicus Agenda Management System