February Ski Bum: where is the center of town?

Event Date: 
February 15, 2013 (All day)

I am sure glad I live here and not down there where there is such a big stink about a dad who took a DOJ helicopter and dropped the homecoming football to the team from the air. Where else can you go anywhere and have Santa dropped of in the Calstar helicopter at the Meyers Christmas Tree lighting or have the high school homecoming game ball delivered by Calstar?

I would gladly pay for that as I know others would also.

I am going to have to wait until the snow melts to see if there is any kind of marker in the meadow off of El Dorado Street as that seems to be the center of town according to The Weather Channel, Yahoo Maps and Google Maps. When I check those sites and put in South Lake Tahoe instead of an actual address they show you a marker in that meadow. If you go down Sacramento Street and turn right onto El Dorado Street it’s about 100 yards behind a round house. Just curious as to how they chose that site and we all know the curiosity killed the cat but did you know that satisfaction brought him back?

I kinda like the idea of the major players taking over the gas stations as it should give Sam a run for his money but I do have to take exception with the neon day glo price lights. I thought the TRPA had an ordinance for those lights as they are way too bright. I also notice that the clubs have the same lights and I thought they were supposed to change every 15 minutes per TRPA also when the sign restrictions were put in place several years ago. Just another prime example of the unfair business tactics of the other side, they can but we can’t. Gonna have to keep a close eye on them now that they have made in known publicly that they are going to get more involved politically on the California side and specifically South Lake Tahoe politics. I am glad they finally came out of the closet and put it in our face, I would rather be stabbed in the chest than in the back.

Jeez Larry are you new? You are not telling anyone anything new about me or anything I don’t know myself. Yes I am a windbag, get on my soapbox and rant to no end. I can live with that and no one is forcing anyone to read my stuff, if no one likes it then just don’t read it and finish the half glass I left. As far as the email you sent to my Motorcycle shop I hope you got the one I sent back to you inviting you down to check us out and take advantage of our local specials.

Winter is tough up here and our hours at the shop will vary but I did leave all our contact numbers on the front window and will gladly come down anytime for parts orders or work. We will be up and running by April. One more thing about your letter where you state I should do something for the town, I do. Over the last 36 years of living here and the 20 years I have been writing this windbag column I have donated well over $100,000.00 to local events and charities either through my business with labor, firewood, services or just plain cash.

A lot of folks have asked me what I thought of Heavenly Vailly Buying Kirkwood and I have to say I think it’s a good thing. I mean for one thing we can’t stop progress and they do have the deep pockets to invest in the resort but I don’t have to agree with any changes that affect locals like the Starbucks thing at Kirkwood where Alpen Sierra was thrown out. I am going to call that place Groomwood now. Slowly but surely and kicking and screaming we are changing here in South Lake Tahoe.
We are losing our history and long time residents are leaving in droves. Think about it, how many people that you knew 30 years ago are still here?

Just a few quotes from the Taylor Nelson Climate Report done in 2007 for our police department. “The department is very goal driven and yet priorities seem to be unclear and many believe that important work is not being done (no investigation of property crimes, not enough relationship building with youth, etc.)”

“Only 17% believe that the SLT Police Department vision statement clearly explains what the organization will be doing in the future and gives the direction needed to make decisions.”

”Relationships are strained. Members claim they hate to come into HQ, and that they keep their heads down and don’t talk to anyone. Keep your head down move to the middle of the herd was an oft-repeated mantra.”

I could go on and on with different comments but the main question I have for our current council is “Has anything changed?”

Bye Bert. You have gone the way of Walking Jack and Glenn Lucky. You will be greatly missed in our town but never forgotten.

Sign Of The Month: This one is located at the entrance to the parking lot at Lakeview Commons Beach. El Dorado Beach. I hope this one stays.

As Usual: skibumfamily@sbcglobal.net; FB: skibum and now Twitter @SLTSKBM

Later. Skibum.

— Opinions expressed by the Ski Bum are strictly his own.