Thank you for making 2018 a great one - looking forward to a fabulous 2019!

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - As we say goodbye to one year, and welcome in another, I would be remiss without saying a big "Thank You" to all of the South Tahoe Now readers, contributors and advertisers!

As the only daily digital newspaper serving South Lake Tahoe and the surrounding area it is a tough job to be get everything needed to everybody, but I try! I appreciate the tips and ideas, thank you.

Thank you to all who have signed up for daily emails from South Tahoe Now. It's easy to keep a fingertip on the pulse of the community with headlines each day. Then you can click on a story that interests you.

In 2019 South Tahoe Now will continue to bring the news you are asking for, including the El Dorado County Sheriff's Log on Sundays, South Lake Tahoe Police Blotter on Thursdays, the South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue Log at least twice a month with some old favorites being rolled out again - Know Your Neighbor: Five Questions, Road Beat and Road Trip. We'll also continue to highlight the keepers of Lake Tahoe history around the lake. Know Your Neighbor: Five Questions will feature a different local each week, just the everyday people you see at the grocery store or post office. They will all be asked the same five questions. If you would like to be featured, or know of someone who would be interested, send an email to

Other new columns and features will come out during 2019.

I look at the new year as being the "Year of the Be."

Be Present
Be Kind
Be Thoughtful
Be Better
Be Happy
Be Nice
Be Thankful
Be Neighborly

These are all easy things to "be." As seen throughout the social media world, too many people spend too much time being angry, being unkind, being a bully and/or being a jerk. Why waste the energy? If people have that much extra time on their hands why not give back, help others, or better yet, try and get rid of the negative emotions and actions? Just a thought.

South Tahoe Now will take a different stance on our story and social media posts. When people post comments under a fake profile, are bullying or start name calling their posts will be deleted. Others don't want to see it.

The big story of the year had to be Measure T, which brought out the negative side of our community. Hopefully the big story of 2019 will be how the community came together and learned how to be kind again.

If you like what South Tahoe Now is doing and want to help it continue, donations are always appreciated. If everyone who reads stories paid the cost of a latte or two ($5 or $10 a month) we could continue to grow and cover even more.

For information on signing up for daily emails, or helping out with a one-time financial contribution or monthly subscription, visit

Thank you for being a supporter of South Tahoe Now and a have a fabulous 2019!