Office and business closures in South Lake Tahoe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - All El Dorado County facilities in South Lake Tahoe are closed for Thursday, January 17 due to inclement weather. This includes the South Lake Tahoe Library.

Due to a blizzard warning and high winds, both Snowmobile Tours and MS Dixie II Sightseeing Cruise has been cancelled for today.

Tahoe Toys & Treasures is closed.

El Dorado County office of Education is closed, which is a county office, but most know it as Head Start and Early Head Start.

Volunteers for Bread & Broth 4 Kids: Food bags will be packed on Friday morning at 8:45 instead of Thursday.

Live Violence Free is closed, but our crisis line is still available: 530-544-4444

For school closures -

El Dorado County Superior Court will be closing at noon Thursday. All calendars cases for today have been heard. To file documents, you'll have to go Friday, if open. To check on court in future - civil/family law/juvenile 530.573.3075 or criminal/traffic/juvenile deliquencies 530.573.3044.

All Wells Fargo banks on the South Shore are closed for the rest of the day.

El Dorado Savings will be closing all three local branches at 4 p.m.

This list will be updated if there are any changes during the day.