Students in a "Safe Zone" when attending South Lake Tahoe schools

The Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) wants families to know that, no matter what their immigration status is, South Lake Tahoe schools are a safe zone and all students are provided access to education.

Community members spoke before LTUSD trustees Tuesday, showing their support for all families and students in the district in light of President Trump's focus on immigrants. They asked the Board to take a strong and public stance against hate and to openly proclaim schools to be safe for all students, no matter their color, religion, nationality or immigration status.

Julie Lowe, Dr. Annie Davidson, Kathy Haven and Rae Mathews were among those that spoke. "We have concern and care for our immigrant community members," Davidson said as she started off the public comment session. "You need to be clear in communications and work with the community to address their concerns."

Mathews commended SLT Police Chief Uhler's release of his department's decades old policy of not investigating or actively pursuing immigration issues. "We need to help them feel welcome," she said of the immigrants in the community.

"I'm here to support every child and every family in South Lake Tahoe," said Haven.

"We have two groups of students who will be affected by the President," said Julie Lowe. "Those who find bullying okay, and those who are victims to bullying." She asked that the District revisit anti-bullying curriculum and how to teach a child to be thoughtfully aware.

The California Department of Education Safe School program provides training, resources and technical assistance to establish a school/community environment which is physically and emotionally safe, well disciplined, and conducive to learning.

Lake Tahoe Unified School District policy states, "When establishing a student's residency for enrollment purposes, the Superintendent or designee shall not inquire into a student's citizenship or immigration status." The district is only concerned with an address.

While the community members didn't get exactly what they were looking for Tuesday (a strong statement or proclamation), they did get reassurances that schools in South Lake Tahoe are all "safe zones."

South Lake Tahoe schools are committed to providing a safe space for learning for each and every student, regardless of immigration status, and, according to school principals at the meeting, they will not allow any immigration investigation to come onto school grounds.

Teachers in the District say some of their students are expressing anxiety over the current immigration discussion being held on a national level. How parents are being affected will be discussed in upcoming Cafecitos meetings, the weekly Latino parent groups at each school in the District.

On a state level, Senate leader Kevin de León from Los Angeles has authored SB 54 which will establish “safe zones” for immigrants who are in the country illegally. If passed, California schools, hospitals and courthouses would be asked to adopt policies that limit immigration enforcement on their premises to the fullest extent possible consistent with federal and state law. De León was just in South Lake Tahoe for Operation Sierra Storm in early January.