League to Save Lake Tahoe drops lawsuit against city's general plan

The City of South Lake Tahoe and the League to Save Lake Tahoe (League) have entered into a Settlement Agreement in which the League agrees to drop its appeal of their lawsuit against the City regarding the General Plan Update (GPU) and the City agrees not to seek payment for legal fees.
Following U.S. Eastern District Judge Burrell’s dismissal of the League’s lawsuit against the City of South Lake Tahoe on January 18, 2012, the City and the League have been negotiating terms of a potential dismissal of the lawsuit wherein the League would agree not to appeal Judge Burrell’s decision to a higher court or re-litigate claims in State court.
The Settlement Agreement marks the conclusion of a protracted legal battle initiated by the League resulting in Judge Burrell affirming the position the City has taken from the beginning acknowledging the right, duty and legal obligation of all cities to develop a vision for their future, which is outlined in the General Plan.

In signing the Agreement, Mayor Fortier said, “The court affirmed the City’s position that the GPU itself cannot and has not harmed the environment or the community as the League argued it would. The City’s General Plan Update is one of the greenest and most sustainable plans in the state of California. We are proud of our plan and the community we aspire to be. Let’s hope that the settlement of this lawsuit heralds a new beginning to working through the problems and potentials of Lake Tahoe outside of a courtroom.”
Mayor Pro Tem, Tom Davis agrees and states, “We hope the Judge’s decision will spur the League to become community partners with all agencies at the Lake. It’s time to put an end to lawsuits as environmental policy and direct our resources to real improvements. The League’s false statements create unnecessary divisiveness.”

— Nancy Kerry is the public affairs and communications manager for the city of South Lake Tahoe.