SnowGlobe on the South Lake Tahoe City Council agenda

The March 6 South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting will include discussion on the annual music festival, SnowGlobe.

Council members will hear from the concert promoters, city staff and the public and decide one of three options: Continue with existing agreement but add additional conditions, continue as is, or consider terminating the agreement for the Dec. 29-31 event.

They will also hear from the Tahoe Prosperity Center on their funding request of $20,000, a vote on the final subdivision map for Gondola Vista estates

During closed session there are four items: Conference with legal counsel about anticipated litigation on two cases; conference with labor negotiators for local police, fire and engineers; and a discussion about City Manager Nancy Kerry.

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. at the Lake Tahoe Airport. It can also be viewed on line at The public is invited to make an "ecomment" on any of the agenda items and those will be given to Council members and entered into record.