Sierra House students learn about kindness on National Walkout Day

Sierra House Elementary School participated in National School Walkout Day by doing three acts of kindness.

"With K-5 grades we though anything more might not be appropriate," said Principal Karin Holmes.

The students and staff all had kindness cards (see attached) and did three random acts of kindness throughout the school day. As she put students on the bus at the end of the day Holmes said she asked each student how many they did, and many had more than three.

"We want to promote our safe school culture, we're a community," said Holmes. "It was successful, and we'll do it again."

If parents wanted to they could pull their students from class and hold their own "walkout," according to Holmes. Outside the school on Pioneer Trail parents and students could be seen holding signs for the passerby to see.

Some of the signs:

No More Excuses
Fear Does Not Belong in our Schools
How Many More? Kids Not Guns
Never Again
Enough is Enough

Three parents took their