Lake Tahoe Community College to close campus Friday

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif, - The entire campus of Lake Tahoe Community College will be closed to students, the public and most employees starting Friday, March 20 due to the quickly evolving COVID-19 situation.

On Thursday, both California Governor Gavin Newsom and El Dorado County issued shelter-in-place orders, the state's order beginning Thursday and the County's Friday night.

The South Lake Tahoe campus was nearing the end of the winter quarter when the announcement was made.

Spring quarter starts Monday, April 6, but it will be in a virtual environment that is likely to be the case through June 2020, and LTCC will update everyone should that change. Scheduled face-to-face classes will mostly move online, with some exceptions where a class simply cannot be moved to an online format.

The statement from LTCC:

We know all of this isn’t easy – there’s a global pandemic underway, and we’re all concerned for our families, loved ones, our community and country, and all of those affected by this virus around the world. Having to abruptly shift how you live your life and how you learn and teach is a real challenge.

LTCC’s staff and faculty will strive to be patient, flexible, and above all supportive as we transition to a virtual environment to continue providing education, support services, and personalized care to our students. Their needs are our concern, and some staff will continue to work at LTCC to provide food, textbooks, laptops, and other essentials to students.