Westbound lanes of Highway 50 through Stateline remain closed after explosions

The two westbound lanes of Highway 50 through Stateline remain closed Monday after the April 1 underground explosions in Stateline.

Crews from NV Energy continue to work on repairing the underground power box that was the center of the explosions, and crews from Southwest Gas continued to work Monday to fix a nearby leak.

The destroyed pavement was removed Monday and an iron plate was placed over the hole. Kristen Saibini of NV Energy said they are assessing the situation and working on a plan to make the needed permanent repairs.

At this time it is unknown when the westbound lanes will reopen. The only detour available from the east is along Lake Parkway and Park Avenue.

400 customers in the area were without power Sunday and NV Energy crews were able to make temporary repairs and get their power restored by 5:14 a.m. Monday, according to Saibini.

The cause is still under investigation.

- South Tahoe Now Staff Report