Fundraiser to benefit METAvivor with outdoor Ike and Martin Lake Tahoe concert

Event Date: 
June 25, 2018 - 6:00pm

A fundraiser with music from Ike and Martin to benefit METAvivor will be held at Kahle Community Center Park on Monday, June 25 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Why are a group of women from Lake Tahoe putting on a fundraiser for METAvivor? What is METAvivor and what is metastatic breast cancer?

If you know someone who has died from breast cancer, they died from metastatic breast cancer. “Metastatic” means the cancer has escaped the breast and traveled to distant sites, like bones, lungs, liver, or brain. Cancer that stays in the breast does not kill. Approximately 6 percent of initial breast cancer diagnosis are metastatic, and approximately 28 percent of women and men with early stage breast cancer will become metastatic; the median life expectancy after a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer is only 36 months, and in 2018 over 41,000 Americans will die due to metastatic breast cancer.

Despite this reality, the large breast cancer fundraisers only give a small percentage of their research funds to studying ways to help the already metastasized patient. Many experts believe we are on the cusp of making metastatic breast cancer a chronic disease, if only there were more money to do the research needed to develop effective treatments. METAvivor, a non-profit organization with a volunteer board (the majority of whom have metastatic breast cancer themselves), directs 100 percent of donations to such metastatic research, through a vigorous scientific peer-review process. Since 2009, METAvivor has funded over $4M of vital research!

Please join METATahoe for a special concert by the popular Tahoe duo, Ike and Martin, for an evening of good music, good food, and good friends as funds are raised to fund research to save lives, lives of residents like former ob/gyn Kelly Shanahan and former teacher Renee Gorevin.

Finger foods and desserts are provided. Bring your own beverage (adult beverages are fine but no glass containers), chair and friends (but not the four-legged kind as no animals are allowed at Kahle).

Help them save some lives! The group has raised $8,000-11,000 during past shows, but this year they;re hoping for $20,000!

Minimum Donation $20/person (Kids under 13 free)
To purchase tickets, visit