South Lake Tahoe police and fire rescue ducklings from storm drain

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - It wasn't your normal, every day type of call for service that the South Lake Tahoe Police Departments (SLTPD) and South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue (SLTFR) responded to on Monday night, but it was one of the happier ones.

On June 22, SLTPD officers were notified of some ducklings who were stuck in a storm drain and they called SLTFR Engine 1 for assistance in getting the eight ducklings out. All were removed from the drain and transported to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care (LTWC).

Tuesday morning, LTWC gathered the eight little ducklings at went to find the mother duck.

LTWC Animal Care Manager Jenny Curtis said she went on a search for the mother at an undisclosed location in South Lake Tahoe. She said she walked the beach, went back to where the ducklings were found, then back to the water and after about 75 minutes saw a mother duck with one duckling. The pair disappeared into some reeds and she lost sight of them. Curtis released the babies into the water and they swam and "peeped" and swam into the same reeds.

The eight were reunited with their mother and sibling.