Douglas County conservation bill introduced by Nevada Senators Reid and Heller

Nevada Senators Harry Reid and Dean Heller have introduced the Douglas County Conservation Act of 2013 designed to promote conservation, improve recreation opportunities, and provide for sensible development in Douglas County.

“I am happy to join Senator Heller in introducing this balanced piece of legislation to promote development, restore the Washoe Tribe's homeland and protect Nevada's cultural and natural resources for generations to come,” said Sen. Reid in a news release. “Douglas County is a spectacular place and I commend the local community for all their hard work to protect and promote it.”

“This bill is a culmination of more than a dozen years of work between state, local, and federal officials and I am pleased with the results. Nevada, with 87 percent of our land base controlled by the federal government, has the lowest percentage of private land of any state.

"We also face one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation,” said Sen. Heller. “I am pleased that this bill will provide economic opportunity while preserving the rural character of the Carson Valley. I look forward to continuing to work with Senator Reid to pass this important legislation for Douglas County.”

The Douglas County Conservation Bill:

— Provides for economic development and long-term preservation of the rural character of Douglas County through the disposal of appropriate federal lands.
— Conveys important cultural sites to the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California.
— Improves recreation opportunities in Douglas County and provides for protection of sage grouse habitat.
Allows for greater flood control and infrastructure management by making certain federal land available to the county.
— Designates the Burbank Canyons Wilderness Area in Douglas County.
— Was developed through an exhaustive public process.