Douglas County officials give update on Saturday's protest

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Nev. - In response to the number of people and groups expected at a protest in Minden, Nevada on Saturday, Douglas County officials have expanded traffic controls to keep everyone safe.

Cement walls have alread been installed to block motor vehicle traffic on Water Street to allow participants to move safely and freely on foot in the area. The protest is planned for 11:00 a.m. on August 8 on the steps of the Judicial Law Enforcement Center in Minden. The road is planned to be closed until Monday.

The Sheriff's Office said the reopening time will be determined following the Black Lives Matter protest.

The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners have been attending meetings and say they are actively engaged in facilitating conversations with the County Manager, Emergency Management, the Library and the Sheriff’s Office to ensure the safety of the community.

"Douglas County is a pleasant community and our citizens include many races, ethnicities, religions, and beliefs," said the Commissioners in a press release. "We have worked together to preserve the historical character and scenic beauty of Douglas County and share a collective pride in our community. We respect each individual’s right to peacefully assemble. However, Douglas County will not tolerate violence or the destruction of property. Douglas County and all its public safety resources will be available to ensure the protection of the public."

The protest is being organized by the Black Lives Matter group of Carson City in response to Sheriff Coverley's response to a planned diversity statement by the County's library. Since that time the Sheriff and Library Director Amy Dodson released a joint statement about the situation.

Coverly issued a press release earlier this week to address rumors about violent protestors and Antifa joining in the planned peaceful protest. "We want to remind residents that public sentiment, comments and rumors on social media platforms are opinions and not the official source of information. Any information concerning this protest will receive official correspondence from county leaders on official Douglas County Sheriff’s Office or Douglas County letterhead," said the statement.

Here is a map of where protestors can be located at the judicial site and what is off limits -

For information from Douglas County regarding the August 8, 2020 protest, visit