City Council meeting change Tuesday - 2 p.m. start to Budget Workshop

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The time of the Tuesday, August 25 South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting has been moved to start at 2:00 p.m.

Most of the agenda focus is on a budget workshop for fiscal year 2020-21 (FY 20-21) which includes a $2.5 million decrease from last year. A presentation will be made on the $93.7 million total budget of which about $40.5 million is the general fund.

The decrease in expenditures is mostly due to the recommendation to not pre-fund the FY 20-21 CalPERS Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL) due in July 2021. Last year's budget was developed to match expenses to reduced revenues due to COVID-19 impact.

The new budget addresses some of the City Council's top priorities, such as Sierra Nevada Alliance and transportation program funding.

FY 20-21 revenue estimates are approximately $0.4 million higher than the current FY 19-20 total budget, but $7.6 million below FY 18-19 actuals due to COVID-19 impacts. The budget is balanced without usage of the City's undesignated General Fund reserves that are retained for future emergencies, strategic capital
investments and in anticipation of potential future one-time needs.

There will also be a vote on the consent agenda as well as appointment of councilmember and alternate to the Recreation Center Project Core Team.

To view the full agenda:

To participate in the meeting:

A public agenda packet is available for review on the City’s Website at or by contacting the City Clerk’s Office, (530) 542-6005.
In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, remote public participation is allowed in the following ways:

City Council meetings are live-streamed on Channel 21 and on the City’s website at To join the City Council meeting use this link

Public Comment for SPECIAL MEETINGS is limited to topics LISTED on this Agenda only. Comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes.

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Public comment may be submitted by EMAIL with the subject line PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM # (insert item number) to during the meeting, prior to the close of public comment on an item, and read into the record during public comment.

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