School lunch program forms mean much more than free or reduced cost meals

Monday is the first day of school, and most parents will get several forms to fill out for each of their students, but there is one form that many may skip over if they think their children won't utilize it.

Not only does the National School Lunch Program Form give qualifying students free or reduced cost lunches and breakfasts, but it can also mean a few million dollars for the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) annually.

Federal income guidelines state a household size of two can get free lunches and breakfasts if the family earns $29,637 or less. For a household of 3, $37,296; 4 - $44,955 and 5 - $52,614.

Even if the qualified family doesn't want to utilize the free meals, the school district could use the completed forms to earn money for needed school programs and staff.

During the 2013/14 to 2015/16 school years, LTUSD earned just over $2,000,000 because of the number of students in the district that qualify for the free or reduced cost lunch program. Since the district had over 55 percent quality for the food program during those years, they earned another $612,000.

The money was used on services aimed at students who are foster youth, low-income and/or English learners.

LTUSD has been able to add the following, mainly due to funds received after parents completed the forms:

At Bijou: Added an early ready intervention teacher, bi-lingual instructional aide, TWBI Spanish Reading Intervention Teacher/Coach, ELD Instructional Materials.

At Lake Tahoe Environmental Magnet School: Added a K-5 Reading Intervention Teacher, part-time Science Lab Instructional Aide, part-time Certificated Reading Tutors.

At Tahoe Valley Elementary School: Intervention Teacher/CCSS Coach, Early Reading Intervention Teacher, Instructional Aide, School Nurse.

At Sierra House Elementary: Two part-time Early Reading Intervention Teachers, Bilingual Community Liaison, School Nurse, extended School Year.

At South Tahoe Middle School: TWBI "ELD & Social Studies" Teacher, Student Advocate program, part-time TWBI "Spanish for Native Speakers" Teacher, Intervention Counselor, Bilingual EL Secretary.

At South Tahoe High: Student Advocate Program, School Nurse, Intervention Counselor, Language Arts Intervention Teacher.

District-wide, the funds earned from the number of students who fall into the three categories, foster youth, low-income and/or English learners, was used for K-3 Class Size Reduction, PE/Dance Teacher, Science Outreach Coordinator, Early Childhood Learning Center, CTE/VAPA Program Coordinator, Bilingual/TWBI Program TOSA, Foster/Homeless Student Advocate, Professional Development per School Site, and CCSS Instructional Media Fund.