Gas station proposal goes to Planning Commission today

By the Tahoe Business Monitor
The South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission is scheduled to vote today on whether to approve a new gas station, car wash and convenience store at the “Y”
shopping center.

The project would replace the vacant service station at 1020 Emerald Bay Road, next to the Raley’s supermarket, which was recently demolished.

The project, known as “Raley’s Aisle 1 Fuel Station,” would include a 2,134-square-foot convenience store, a 1,310-square-foot automatic car wash and a fueling area with six gas pumps or 12 fueling stations.

The proposal also calls for installation of two double-walled fuel tanks, an “artistic” fence to screen the fuel pumps from Lake Tahoe Boulevard and Emerald Bay Road, landscaping and erosion control measures (best management practices or BMPs), according to a report by Judy Finn, assistant planner for the city of South Lake Tahoe. There would be 16 parking spaces.

The gas station would be accessed from a new driveway from Emerald Bay Road and a driveway branching off from an existing entrance to the shopping center from Emerald Bay Road. Another driveway would go from the gas station through the transit center onto Lake Tahoe Boulevard.

An initial environmental review for the proposal found no significant environmental impacts. A traffic analysis found that the new gas station would increase the number of daily vehicle trips to the site, but would not reduce the level of service at nearby intersections. Ground contamination is not an issue for the project.

The project was approved by a Tahoe Regional Planning Agency hearing officer on Sept. 2, Finn said.

Before the Planning Commission today is a “major design review” for the project. Planning staff has recommended approval.

The Planning Commission meets at 3 p.m. In council chambers at the Lake Tahoe Airport.