Sass Talk: Vacation rentals, cannabis and Martin Hollay

More than a few people have asked me if I was frustrated by this last city council meeting and the 6.5 hour discussion regarding the revised VHR (Vacation Home Rental) ordinance. I thought the City Manager's introduction on why we were looking at a revised ordinance and the staff presentation on the revisions were excellent and on point. At first I was a little confused about some of the council questions of staff but reminded myself that the VHR sub-committee made up of Mayor Pro Tem David and myself have been living, sleeping and eating the VHR issue for over two years. Thus, no matter what their questions were, patience was required and deserved.

Going into the meeting we felt strongly that what we had arrived at with staff was a very good compromise and we knew that both sides of the equation were going to be unhappy. We felt strongly that we could not do immediate financial harm to all the people who invested in a VHR business in good faith and in a legal fashion. Yes, some were just doing it for the cash flow but many others were doing it so they could afford a second home or even keep a first home at our beautiful Lake Tahoe. We also recognized that from VHR management companies, to house cleaners to hot tub service people and more there was a cottage industry built on VHRs and we had no interest in harming them. Thus, we thought placing a cap at the current levels seemed fair.

On the other side are all the city residents who are tired of new neighbors every weekend, noise, trash and parking issues as a result of vacationers who were here primarily to play. Bachelorette parties, birthdays, family reunions, frat parties and more have, and still cause too many issues when they are next door to a full time resident looking to sleep at night. Many who have had it with VHRs want them banned and all licenses revoked like other cities in CA have done. We believed that we had reached a tipping point and it was time to ramp up fines, add additional measures to promote better behavior by VHR occupants and owners and lock in the number of VHR properties. Allowing more would just add to the existing issues.

We agreed that in the ideal world enforcement was the key. However, there is not a practical solution to policing approx. 1800 total VHR properties and our locals were so frustrated by their calls not turning into violations that many have just given up. Another group of locals were too intimidated to call and others just felt it wasn't their job to report these properties. Others said that by the time the enforcement arrived it was too late. They had already been woken up or had a run-in with the partier next door. People were fed up and i don't believe we could ever hire enough community service officers to prevent the numerous issues.

Adding to all of this was the issue of housing. Not enough, not enough that were affordable and locals were seeing the housing stock convert from long term rentals to VHR properties. Whether you believe VHRs are a main culprit in causing a housing shortage or not, many locals blame VHRs. They are low hanging fruit and easy to point a finger at.

So if this issue ever got to the ballot, on one side would be the industry as described above coupled with the Realtors. On the other side would be lots of city residents who have a bad distaste for VHRs and the many people who blame them for the housing issue. And, yes, their is a group ready to put it on the ballot in November of 2018 if a compromise is not reached by council. If this happens, it will get very ugly. I have no doubt about that.

So back to where I started and our meeting ended. In four weeks we will reconvene and I am optimistic a revised ordinance will be agreed to by a majority of city council. Compromise is the only way forward and anything less will rip our city apart.

We also dealt with a path forward on cannabis. Council voted to appoint council members Lane and Davis to a cannabis subcommittee. They will start discussing how to tackle the ordinances required, a timeline and select a group of stake holders to participate in the process. All applicants should reach out to City Clerk Susie Alessi for an application.

I hope everyone saw recent news on Martin Hollay, our 97-year-old hero who skis 100 days a year. The big takeaway is that the word "old" is just a state of mind. I don't believe anyone is too old to do anything if you take care of yourself. Staying young is about treating the body well and having a positive can-do attitude; just like Martin. The longer he skis, the longer I know I can do the same. Keep going Martin. You are a true Tahoe legend and a hero to many of us.

With that like Martin Hollay and get outside! it will put a smile on your face.