Tahoe Valley Elementary shows school is more than just academics

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - The students at Tahoe Valley Elementary School are enjoying the fruits of many volunteers' labors as the new greenhouse, Tranquil Garden, climbing stumps and outdoor learning areas have been completed and officially dedicated.

Principal Christina Grubbs gathered staff, parents and community members prior to last week's Back to School Night to thank all who took part in the projects, and to show off what the kids now get to enjoy.

"This is a labor of love for all to enjoy," said Grubbs.

The new “Tranquil Area" puts their minds into a calming state and allows them to relax and enjoy nature before heading back into the classroom.

The greenhouse and adjoining planter boxes allows teachers the opportunity to coming lessons with how things grow, and the decorative retaining wall allows for classes to come outdoors and read or have class. The planter boxes are unique in that they hold three mini-boxes inside, so the kids can pull them out, work on them and change the sun they get, and the South Tahoe High students made the boxes in their wood shop class.

The sturdy stumps in the kindergarten play area are another way kids can learn and be active outdoors, instead of inside. Soon to come are balance beams and other wooden projects that get the kids moving, and thinking.

In between two other winds at the school is a nice grassy area with picnic tables, again bringing learning spaces outside.

All is almost done. Besides the new balancing objects that still need to be completed, teacher Jody Dayberry is working on finishing up the Ethnobotanical aspect of the garden with natural plants and seeds.

The following businesses were instrumental in getting the projects completed, and Grubbs presented them with plaques:

Ron Fuller Construction
Native Elements Landscaping
Frank Cody and Cody's Tree Service
Tahoe Outdoor Living
Josh Forte Earth & Stone Landscaping
Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation
Lowe's Toolbox for Education