Letter: Lisa Maloff helps Tahoe Magic with $100,000 donation

Our Angel of Tahoe, Lisa Maloff, has sprinkled her angel goodness in our community again. Lisa Maloff has given Tahoe Magic $100,000 so that this wonderful non-profit can continue to say "yes" to the many referring agencies in our community that call and need crisis financial support for families in need of one-time immediate funding because of a family crisis. These are families struggling to make ends meet because of a medical crisis, a child that is ill and needs transportation to UC Davis, a teen who cannot complete their homework because their electricity and gas have been turned off, the child that comes to school with a toothache and has no dental access, the mother that has left an abusive relationship and has no shelter for her children, and hundreds more.

Often, this help, when there is little hope, is the difference between eviction or not, medical help or not, believing that a little magic still exists when you need it most or not believing that things will get better. Tahoe Magic has been helping families for 26 years, by quietly and consistently responding through referring agencies for their clients in need. This gift from Lisa Maloff will expand and extend Tahoe Magic’s ability to continue to say “Yes, we can help” for many more years to come.

A true angel lives among us and is bringing her own magic with her. Thank you Lisa Maloff. You are an angel to so many.

- Wendy David
Founding Board Member, Tahoe Magic