Permit for SnowGlobe late night party at Hard Rock denied

Citing concerns for safety, under-age party goers and an already taxed law enforcement staff, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners denied an outdoor festival permit for SnowGlobe Late Night events December 29-31 at Stateline.

Chad Donnelly proposed the after-party each night of the annual concert to be held under a tent in the parking lot of Hard Rock Lake Tahoe from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The proposal was just in writing as neither Donnelly or representatives from the Hard Rock attended the meeting.

"I am discouraged the promoters couldn't trouble themselves to be here," said Commissioner Greg Lynn. "Perhaps they thought this would be a slam dunk." The item was on the consent agenda, but Commission Vice-Chair Nancy McDermid asked for the item about the late-night event be pulled.

"They have SnowGlobe in the City of South Lake Tahoe," said McDermid. "If they want to have a late night event, I suggest they have it in the city and not come into Douglas County."

She also cited concerns about never having events past 10:00 p.m., including the Summer Concert Series, and didn't want residents and visitors disturbed with the noise.

Last year, Donnelly applied for the same type of event to be held in the parking lot at the Stateline CVS and that too was denied.

"I have major concerns that this event is not in best interest for Douglas County," said Commissioner Steve Thaler. "The SnowGlobe website even encourages kids 10 and under to attend, and they're free. I know I don't want my 10-year-old out after 10:00 p.m."

McDermid added that the concert after party would attract underage kids into the Stateline corridor at a time when they shouldn't be there, especially on New Year's Eve.

"This would set us up for some huge problems," added Thaler.

The lack of a representative from SnowGlobe and/or Hard Rock also bothered Commissioner Barry Penzel. "The two organizations putting this on don't show up to talk about it, and that concerns me," he said.

The Douglas County Community Development department suggested the permit be denied, something the commissioners said they'd never seen and said that created a lot of red flags.

One resident spoke up during the public comment portion, a long-time volunteer in the county and Kingsbury Grade resident.

"You all hit it right on the head," said Bob Cook. "I have to give great respect to all the casinos and Edgewood as they respect the 10:00 p.m. time period. This proposed event is out of line."

The permit was denied by a vote of 4-0. Commission Chairman Doug Johnson has to recuse himself since he works part-time at the Hard Rock.

An email to Donnelly, asking if he has other plans, has not yet been answered.