Asqqu Jewelry of South Lake Tahoe offers unique custom jewelry

Event Date: 
February 28, 2021 (All day)

Asqqu Jewelry is a business in South Lake Tahoe offers one-of-a-kind unique jewelry. The name of the business matches the definition: ASKEW [ uh-skyoo ] Adverb/Adjective: to one side; out of line; in a crooked position; awry.

The business was started as a hobby in 2017 and just recently went online for sales with a new website. Owner Julie Garrett-Wright took apart some of her little worn jewelry and redesigned them for daily wear. From there, scavenging thrift shops, garage sales and flea markets for "scrap jewelry" and creating one-of-a kind original jewelry and home deco became an enjoyable creative adventure. Since all of her jewelry and home deco pieces come from recycled material, no two pieces are alike. Since our creations are designed and crafted with recycled materials, your purchase will be shipped in sustainable/ reused packaging.

Celebrate your individuality with our single custom designs. Never again attend a function or be in public and have another wearing the same jewelry! You can also add an ASQQU collectors piece in your home to add the finishing touch to your individual style.

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