UPDATED: 2012 Lake Tahoe Storm Drain Outfall

Submitted by Tahoe Pipe Club
The 2012 Lake Tahoe Storm Drain Outfall Calendar has been prepared by anonymous members of the Tahoe Pipe Club. The calendar presents photographs of example storm drain pipes which are polluting Lake Tahoe. In spite of decades of restoration in the name of lake clarity these pipes and hundreds of other pipes like them are allowed to pollute Lake Tahoe with toxic storm water. Tahoe Pipe Club wants the urban storm water infiltrated into the ground before it reaches these pipes.

The 2012 calendar is the sequel to the 2011 calendar which publically presented the first Lake Tahoe urban summary of storm drain outfall pipes. Only urban pipes which are hydrologically connected to Lake Tahoe are included in Tahoe Pipe Club Calendars, and the calendars will continue to be published as long as urban storm water is allowed to pollute Lake Tahoe.

Tahoe Pipe Club was created to improve the effectiveness of the Lake Tahoe restoration program because efforts so far have been unable to improve the quality of water within the lake. Infiltrating urban runoff before it reaches these pipes will directly benefit the quality of the water in Lake Tahoe.

The calendar states:

This 2012 Lake Tahoe Storm Drain Calendar is dedicated to the hundreds of urban outfall pipes which chronically discharge toxic storm water directly into the perennial streams of Lake Tahoe and Lake Tahoe itself every time it rains or snows. In spite of considerable efforts in the name of lake clarity, the quality of the water in Lake Tahoe continues to worsen. Having neglected to infiltrate runoff from these hydrologically connected urban outfall pipes is but one measure of the failure in the Lake Tahoe clarity program. It¹s your watershed, insist on real actions that will benefit lake clarity by requiring that urban runoff be infiltrated before it reaches these pipes.

Here is a video showing the pollution of Lake Tahoe from Pipe Clubs June 2011 Pipe.

Here is a video showing the pollution of trout creek which is a tributary of Lake Tahoe. The runoff is from Pipe Clubs January 2012 Pipe.

Visit http://tahoepipeclub.com to learn more about effective solutions to lake clarity and to learn how to get your STOP TAHOE PIPES sticker. You may also email pipeclub@live.com with your comments. See attached PDF below for the calendar.

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