Kudos: Liberty Utilities employees give back during the holidays

You may recall that a month ago employees from Liberty Utilities donated cash and boxes and cans of food for the South Lake Tahoe backpack food program, Page and Sage. This generous donation allows the group to continue to feed the kids in need in our community.

Once again, the Liberty Utilities employees showed the true meaning of the Christmas season by giving the gift received at their recent employee party to Page and Sage. Four employees donated their $50 Safeway gift cards. This donation allowed the 23 South Tahoe Middle School students, 5 South Tahoe High students and the 35 Tahoe Valley Elementary students on the Page and Sage program to get a little extra holiday cheer in their food bags last week.

On top of the gift cards and previous donations, the power company also donated 100 bags to be used in the transport of weekly food and books.

The generosity of these employees continues to amaze me. The kids that got their treats were especially pleased. You should see their smiles!

Thank you again,
Paula Peterson, South Tahoe Now
Page and Sage Coordinator