Kudos: League to Save Lake Tahoe and Lake Tahoe Humane Society

The business of second chances is everyone’s business. Choose your path!

Dear League To Save Lake Tahoe and the Humane Society,

First of all, I want to say thank you on behalf of the students at Mt. Tallac High School and to tell you we appreciate all of you for your hard work. Without you it would be difficult to earn lab science credits. I think everything you guys do for Tahoe is great!

I’m new here but I'm starting to get the hang of the life in Tahoe and it’s very different from where I lived before. There was a lot of pollution where I came from, here there are more trees and wildlife.

I think it is great that your organizations work so hard to preserve it.

I learned a lot from your showing up how to test water, how drains on the roads lead to the lake, and about how crews changed the road rocks to something more stable and something that won’t break apart as time goes by when it snows or rains.

I also learned how the lake gets dirtier from all the slush that goes into it, and how some canals that feed the water to the lake are dirtier than others.

What I learned from the Humane Society is that if you don’t take care of yourself there could be some serious consequences to your health and possibly even death. There are also many different kinds of diseases and sharing drinks can lead to their spread.  

We appreciate learning these valuable lessons and look forward to your return!

Carlos Lopez