Larry Werner to be offered $172,008 to manage Douglas County for one year

In an effort to not leave the county without a leader, a contract for Larry Werner to be the Douglas County Manager for one year will be voted on by commissioners during their February 4, 2016 meeting.

His contract will be for $172,008 with a car allowance of $700 per month. The former Carson City Manager, and former interim Douglas County Manager will start on March 7. Werner last served the county in the position after the departure of Steve Mokrohisky in 2014.

After a voluntary separation agreement was approved between the County and Jim Nichols by the board on January 21, a motion was passed to direct Wendy Lang, Human Resources Director, and Doug Ritchie, Chief Civil Deputy District Attorney to reach out to Larry Werner to negotiate a contract for at least a year not to exceed the former County Manager’s contract.

Mimi Moss, Douglas County’s Community Development Director is currently serving as the Acting County Manager until an Interim County Manager is selected.

“The Human Resources department is taking this matter very seriously and we wanted to reach out to Mr. Werner as soon as possible to discuss and negotiate an agreement suitable for both parties to be presented to the board,” said Lang. “Mr. Werner comes with years of experience and Public Administration knowledge that could provide steady leadership through this transition.”