Tahoe Warm Room celebrates two months since doors opened

It started with a spark of energy provided by Diana Hankins in December of 2013, and Thursday night two years of constant work and determination were celebrated at the Tahoe Warm Room during an Open House.

The Tahoe Warm Room opened their doors on December 18, 2015, and since then they have served 74 different people who have come in from the cold to keep warm, get clothing and blankets, a hot cup of coffee and meet with a social worker, if desired.

Of the 74 guests, 14 are women, 54 men and two families (6 people). Families don't stay in the warm room, they are given a one-time voucher to a local motel. Bed nights have totaled 835 with an average of 15 people using the cots nightly.

"We're very pleased with our pilot year," said Dr. Maria Muscat who is the founder and director of the Tahoe Warm Room.

Volunteers are the key to keeping the doors open overnight, and so far 111 South Lake Tahoe locals have been trained and they have logged over 1,400 volunteer hours.

Hankins was honored during the evening for her passionate perseverance, research and determination to get doors open to a warming room for the homeless in South Lake Tahoe.

Both she and Dr. Muscat received plaques that match the one placed on the walls of the Warm Room:

Welcome to the Tahoe Warm Room
In honor of Diana Hankins, visionary, Dr. Maria Muscat, founder, and the entire South Lake Tahoe community for their support.

We are united in providing a safe, warm place for our
homeless to sleep. We believe that "Everyone Matters."

In celebration of our inaugural Warm Room season,
Winter 2015-2016

With gratitude: Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless, February 17, 2016