South Shore casinos keep "win" figures on the positive side in January

The Nevada Gaming Control Board released their monthly figures for January, and those for casinos on the South Shore show a gain of 9.22 percent.

In January of 2016, casinos had a report gaming win of $15,434,635. A gaming win represents the computed income of casinos before business expenses and taxes.

North Lake Tahoe casinos had the biggest percentage of "win" with a gain of $445,683, up 22.35 percent over January of 2015. The biggest loss was seen on the Las Vegas Strip, where casinos took in a win of $532,275,993, down 7.72 percent.

Nevada’s non-restricted gaming licensees reported a total “gaming win” of $925,316,080 for the month of January 2016. This amounts to a 2.87% decrease compared to January 2015, when licensees reported a gaming win of $952,665,050. For the fiscal year (July 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016), gaming win has increased 0.59%.