Bike Trails in South Lake Tahoe to Undergo Rehabilitation This Summer

Several stretches of bike trails in South Lake Tahoe will receive some much needed attention in July when 2.6 miles of trails are restored.

The Class 1 Bicycle Trail Rehabilitation Project will use funds from Measure R ($250,000) and $475,452 grant funding through Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Authority to fix the 20 year old trails.

July 7th will be the project's starting date and all is expected to be completed around August 9th.

The project includes pulverization of the existing bike trail and installation of new pavement and striping on top of the recycled trail. Construction of two new bridge decking’s and new signage is also included.

The Class 1 Bicycle Trail Rehabilitation project area runs parallel to Highway 50 from Los Angeles Ave. to Motel 6 and the Upper Truckee River (including bridges); one segment on Highway 50 from Helen Avenue to the South "Y" to include the following areas: Harrison Ave. (Los Angeles to Tulare), Rubicon to Tulare, Eloise to Ponderosa, Silver Dollar to Rubicon, and Helen Ave. to South Ave. and Linear Park.

About Measure R

Measure R was passed by voters in November 2011 to allow Measure S funds to be used for renovation of pre-2000 (old) Class I bicycle paths owned or operated by the City of South Lake Tahoe or the County of El Dorado in the CFD area, and allocated $500,000 of Measure S funds for renovation of youth ball fields in the Community Facilities District (CFD) area. After first ensuring maintenance funding for new Class I bicycle paths when they are built in fulfillment of the original intent of Measure S, Measure R also allows bicycle path maintenance funding to be directed to old Class I bicycle paths that have been renovated.