Graffiti vandals tag signage on bike trail through Rabe Meadow

Vandals were busy this week in Rabe Meadow on the South Shore, defacing the new bike trail railings and signage throughout the historic meadow.

Deputies from the Douglas County Sheriff's Office (DCSO) are working on the case, saying they see this type of tagging every summer. Surveillance cameras have lead to the arrest of perpetrators on several other cases and they hope that leads will come in on this case as well.

This type of tagging is by kids with too much time on their hands according to DCSO. If it were by gangs they would have their unique markings instead of the random work of kids.

Many of the tagged signs were in the same area as Sunday's suspicious fire.

Local resident Amanda Boutwell spent much of the day on Saturday cleaning up the defaced railings and signs with Sean Anderson and his 11 year old daughter Ashley. They ran out of solvent so will back on Sunday to finish up the job.

Anyone with information into the vandalism should contact DCSO at 775-586-7250.