Kudos: Bread and Broth thanks Still Water Yoga

A gold star for outstanding volunteer service and original Adopt-A-Day of Nourishment picture pose goes to Still Water Yoga. This limber and very kind and thoughtful group of ladies was a joy to have hosting Bread & Broth’s July 24 Monday Meal. To Karen Eberlin, Shannon Liebel, Lucy McLaughlin, Susan Glasson and Liz Norman, B&B would like to thank you and would love to have your yoga group back any time.

The $250 donated for the sponsorship meal enabled the B&B cooks to offer pulled pork and roast beef sandwiches, broccoli, cole slaw, and fruit salad on the evening’s menu.

In addition to serving the meals to the dinner guests, the Still Water Yoga crew helped bag fruits, vegetables, dairy products and baked goods to send home with the diners to help supplement meals later in the week. At the end of meal, this hardworking crew helped the B&B volunteers with the meal’s breakdown and cleanup.

“It was a pleasure to be able to help serve the community,” said Shannon. “Thank you for being so organized and allowing us this opportunity.” B&B is so pleased to have the support and help of our community partners like Still Water Yoga who take this ‘opportunity’ to help ease hunger and improve the lives of those in need.

To partner with B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact Carol at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

- Bread & Broth