Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Barton Foundation

Promoting philanthropy for the health of the community, Barton Memorial Hospital Foundation hosted a Bread & Broth Adopt-A-Day of Nourishment on Monday, August 20.
Thanks to the help provided by Barton Foundation’s volunteer crew members, the evening’s 106 dinner guests enjoyed a Mexican casserole served with salads, coleslaw, tasty desserts and a bag of food filled with dairy products, fruit, vegetables, canned goods, and breads and pastries to take home for meals later in the week.

Bread & Broth is very grateful to the Barton Foundation for partnering with our organization in our efforts to provide hot, filling and healthy meals to our community members. Through the Adopt A Day program, our sponsor’s donation helps with the costs associated with the dinners and the sponsor crew members help the B&B volunteers with packing the ‘food giveaway’ bags and the dinner’s setup, serving and cleanup.

Volunteering for their first time at a B&B Monday Meal, Barton’s volunteer crew members Kyra Abramson, Marty Green Chartraw, Diane Roeser-Kinney, Jenny Taylor and Ruby Turner were happy to see how the Foundations’ meal impacted those attending. “It’s a wonderful feeling to give back,” commented Jenny. “Everyone is so grateful and friendly. Proud to be a part of the Adopt of Nourishment program!”

Thank you to Barton Memorial Hospital Foundation for supporting B&B’s effort to provide healthy meals and food to our community’s at risk population.

For more information on AAD sponsorships or donating, visit our website breadandbroth.org.