Six ways Burning Man will be different this year

Burning Man is always changing, and this year is no exception.

Some of this year's changes are pretty major, however, and have both attracted applause and criticism from invested Burners and other groups who are tied in some way to Burning Man.

Since last year's Burn, here are some of the changes in how the event operates:

1. No for-fun drones

Change: Drones, or remote controlled, pilotless air crafts, that are flown for hobby will not be allowed at this year's event. Pilots applying for a permit from Burning Man will have to list one of four reasons (media, event operations, art documentation, art performance) to be eligible, and only 30 will receive approval.

How you will notice it: In 2014, 200 drones were eligible to fly at Burning Man. You likely saw one or two, and post-Burning Man saw a handful of videos that showed footage from the event. This year, there may not be as much of that.

Why the change: Burning Man and the Bureau of Land Management both were concerned after they received several reports of drones crashing near groups of people. Additionally, neither party was happy to see footage from the drones that showed some were getting too for comfort to Burns, to the art and to the crowds.

2. Isolate the noise

Change: Any electronic dance music (commonly known as EDM) parties lasting more than three hours will be taking place in a designated area on the playa that is on the outskirts of Black Rock City.

How you will notice it: If you want to party to loud music, all night long, you are supposed to go to the hot spot.

Why the change: Burning Man received noise complaints during last year's event when some mutant vehicle playing loud music would park in one neighborhood and stay for hours at a time. Sometimes the locations were not near a section of portable toilets, and the Bureau of Land Management reported that people were relieving themselves on the ground.

3. Leave the lasers at home

Change: Burning Man has banned handheld lasers at the event. Lasers that are mounted on mutant vehicles and on art pieces will still be allowed, but operators will be required to provide a detailed safety plan and will be closely monitored by Burning Man staff to ensure that the lasers are being used correctly.

How you will notice it: You will have to leave your handheld laser at home.

Why the change: A Black Rock Ranger (a Burning Man security volunteer) was blinded in one eye and partially blinded in another last year after someone shined what was believed to be a handheld laser directly in left eye, and a mounted laser from a mutant vehicle made contact with her right eye.

4. Don't forget the kiddos

Change: Children still get in free, but Burning Man is asking that parents register their children for Burning Man so the organization can send print-at-home tickets for the kiddos.

How you will notice it: If you don't have children coming to the Burn, you won't notice a thing.

Why the change: For the first time, Burning Man wants to count the number of children coming to Burning Man.

5. Marriage is for everyone

Change: While Nevada's state law has allowed same-sex couples to obtain a marriage license since October last year, same-sex couples now can get married in Nevada and their license will be valid no matter which state they go home to after June's U.S. Supreme Court decision. Ceremonies, however, have been conducted for years on the playa for same-sex couples.

How you will notice it: If you are in a same-sex couple and you want to get married at this year's Burn, nothing is stopping you.

Why the change: It is now the law.

6. Dr. CrowdRx

Change: Humboldt General Hospital no longer works as the medical provider for Burning Man. CrowdRx, an East Coast-based medical support services manager, will be the new oversight for medicine on the playa.

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