Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Barton Orthopedic & Wellness Center team members

“It was a wonderful experience meeting all of the Bread & Broth volunteers and members of the community attending the dinner,” shared Caroline Barichievich at Barton Orthopedic & Wellness Center’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD) on August 5.

Caroline and her AAD sponsor crew members Amy Alcorn, Jason Collins, Jana Mortellaro and Heidi Siano arrived at 3:00 p.m. at St. Theresa Grace Hall ready to help provide an outstanding meal to the evening’s dinner guests.

And a great meal it was! BBQ ribs, roasted potatoes, coleslaw, fruit salad, fresh plums and a wide assortment of desserts awaited the diners attending Bread & Broth’s Monday Meal. Those attending the dinner also received food “giveaway” bags. As part of their volunteering experience, in the hour before the meal is served, the sponsor volunteers fill bags with dairy products, fruit, vegetables, canned goods and bread for the dinner guests to take with them for food later in the week.

So, no one goes away hungry from a B&B Monday Meal thanks to the efforts of the B&B volunteers, food donations by local stores and businesses, and the generous $300 donation of the Adopt A Day sponsor group. But most important is the donation of time that the sponsor crew members give to helping at B&B’s Monday meal dinner.
It was a delight to have the Barton Orthopedic & Wellness Center team, with their acts of kindness, volunteering alongside the B&B volunteers.

For more information on B&B’s AAD sponsorships, donating, volunteering, or meal service information visit B&B’s website www.breadandbroth.org.

- Bread & Broth