NAMI seeks feedback on EDC Mental Health Services Plan

Event Date: 
November 2, 2017 - 1:30pm

NAMI El Dorado County is hosting an information gathering hour on Thursday, November 2 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Lake Tahoe Community College's Aspen Room.

They would like the public's perspective as El Dorado County Behavioral Health is seeking public input for their FY18/19 Mental Health Services Plan Update.

The county will be providing public meetings, using social media, and promoting in news media to get the word out about the plan, so attendance and input at this meeting will help them plan.

Your input is valuable. Families and friends of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) are encouraged to attend.

The mission of NAMI El Dorado County/Western Slope is to provide emotional support, education, awareness, and resources for families whose lives have been have been affected by mental illness. Through community collaboration and education, we advocate for a life of quality, purpose, and dignity - one without discrimination - for all people affected by these challenges. Mental illnesses are a nuero-biological disorders which disrupt a persons thinking, feeling, ability to relate to others and daily functioning, often resulting in diminshed capacity for coping with ordinary demands of life. Like the heart, the human brain is a vital organ whose illness can be successfully treated and the good new is, recovery is possible!