Heavenly, Northstar begin blowing snow on runs

Heavenly Mountain Resort and Northstar California Resort began making snow Tuesday night, a sure sign that winter is upon us and sweet music to the ears of skiers and snowboarders everywhere. Signaling that the Lake Tahoe snowsports season is just days away if temperatures continue to cooperate, Lake Tahoe’s two largest snowmaking systems give the resorts’ guests confidence that they will be skiing and snowboarding on the best snow surfaces at Lake Tahoe on opening day, scheduled at both resorts for Friday, Nov, 18, 2011, weather and conditions permitting.

Under optimum conditions, the West Coast’s largest snowmaking operation can cover 73 percent of Heavenly’s trails in machine-made snow. In more visual terms, Heavenly can produce three-and-a-half feet of snow over one acre in an hour. That’s enough snow to blanket a football field with eight-and-a-half feet during an average three-hour game.

“Snowmaking is such a critical service that really improves the overall ski and snowboard experience,” said Pete Sonntag, Heavenly’s general manager. “It’s another element that differentiates Vail Resorts’ Tahoe properties from the other resorts around the Lake.”

Heavenly has begun making snow at the top of the Gondola and on California Trail.

With the ability to open limited terrain with just 48 hours of snowmaking if cold temperatures and low humidity continue, Northstar features the largest snowmaking system on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, and can cover 50 percent of its trails in machine-made snow.

“It’s always exciting when temperatures cooperate and we’re able to fire up the snowmaking system for the first time of the season,” said Bill Rock, vice president and chief operating officer of Northstar California Resort. “In addition to offering guests $30 million in improvements this season, we’ll also offer the best early season snow conditions in North Lake Tahoe.”

Northstar has begun making snow on trails including Main Street, Lower Pioneer, Pinball, Lumberjack, in the Big Easy beginner learning area, and on Cat’s Face where Shaun White’s signature 22’ halfpipe will be built.