Douglas County Commissioners to discuss end to monthly meeting in Lake Tahoe

STATELINE, Nev. - Currently, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners meet once a month at Lake Tahoe, but if Commissioner John Engels gets his way, this week's meeting will be their last at the Lake Tahoe Visitor's Authority (LTVA) building.

They have been meeting at the lake on the third Thursday of the month, but Engel's presentation will suggest this meeting take place in Minden just as their other three monthly meetings do.

Lake Tahoe Township meetings have been giving those that live at the lake portion of Douglas County a chance to attend without the drive over Kingsbury Grade into the County seat of Minden.

The change in venue would also lead to possible termination of a Building Rental Agreement with LTVA for the Kingsbury Community Facility located at 169 Highway 50 Stateline, Nevada, also known as the Tahoe Transportation Center. The County rents the community meeting space from LTVA for $50,000 per year plus an additional $35,000 per year for office space.

During the commissioner's May 16 meeting in Lake Tahoe, Engels and Commissioner Chairman Barry Penzel got into an altercation that was investigated by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. It was a heated meeting where the commissioners were making personal attacks between each other and members of the public prior to the incident.

Also on Thursday's agenda is a request to require the funds from Redevelopment Area #2 (the Stateline casinos, Edgewood and Tahoe Beach Club) intended for Douglas County Schools be paid to the schools until June 30, 2021.

Douglas County Redevelopment Area #2 (RDA #2) was created in 2016 primarily to aid the county in achieving a desired strategic planning goal to “work with local partners and stakeholders to initiate the development of a year-round conference/entertainment venue at Lake Tahoe (within Douglas County).

An estimated $113 million is projected to come out of RDA #2 through property taxes in 30 years, but this year's annual forecast is approximately $1 million.

The November 21 meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the LTVA/Tahoe Transportation Center at 169 Highway 50, Stateline, Nevada.